The Art of Rawhide Braiding

Museum quality. One of a kind. True to the cowboy traditions.

Hensley's braiding is recognized for its dependable use and unique beauty. Leland Hensley is self-taught but has received help along the way by several braiders and horsemen alike. With his patience, and his standards set high , each item he creates reveals a higher level of skill. This has made him widely considered to be one of the world's finest braiders.

Leland is a proud member of the Traditional Cowboy Arts Association, where he devotes his efforts to keeping the trade alive by helping students who want to learn through workshops and at his home in Texas. His work has been exhibited all over the Western United States, and he has items on permanent display in several trappings and private collections.

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Scabbard with Knife


The process of cutting rawhide strings videos:

Beginning with the cutting of soga string, on through to cutting rawhide strings, please check out this short series and let me know what you think.

Click on the frames watch each part.

Learn Rawhide Braiding

If you have the patience to braid rawhide, and you want to learn more about it? Leland can save you so much time in your pursuits and teach you how to do things the correct way.

Donnie Chulufas, Archie. MO.

Contact Leland

Use the information below to get in touch with Leland, or use the contact form to send Leland an email.

(254) 717-7335 CST